Since tango is a close embrace dance, when covid started, we obviously stopped everything to do with tango. We went from 3 classes per week, 2 practicas and one milonga per month – not to mention 20 to 30 hours of private lessons – to nothing at all. Of course I was dancing with my lovely Joanne but no one else.
I am selectively teaching private lessons with stipulations:
One must be vaccinated.
If you have traveled or attended large group activities get tested – it is free.

If you are interested in studying with me simply click the contact field or call 906 5389, it is the S. AZ area code. We need to talk before you book your lessons. I have disabled the appointment page for now.
We will not be hosing milongas or practicas again until there is more settling with covid.

As always we are wishing you health and love during these new and strange times we all share.
Gratefully Yours
Rusty Cline