4 Weeks – Enrosques – Twisted Turns For Music and Elegance

Precision - tight placesJuly 31st through August 21st: The twisting thread of enrosques in 4 well connected classes on the concepts and movements that add music and elegance to tango.

Wk 1 - Balance and Pivots
Finding your balance so you can recognize it in your partner.

Wk 2 - Torque to Turn
Using your partners movements to get around and around and around.

Wk 3 - Tension and Release in Torque, Turns and Pivots
How to keep the tension alive during the turn and when to release the torque to end the turn.

Wk 4 - Musicality Letting the Music Drive the Movements
Making this a part of the song. When does a song ask you to turn? Does one orchestra like turns more than another? Become the artist and describe the song with your movements.

Limited Registration Hurry

  • 6 hours of in depth personal attention
  • Plus 2 hours of practice, for only $80 per person!
  • Quantity: 4 Week Series