At the helm of Learn-to-Tango is Rusty Cline, creating many offerings for the tango community and the broader Tucson Community at large.
Tohono Chul Park teams up with At Tohono Chul’s Spring Celebration, Learn-to-Tango pulls out the stops with couples from all over the Tucson tango community doing Argentine Tango demonstrations and exhibitions and performances in an attempt to help Tohono Chul raise monies for its beautiful park.
Tucson Tango Festival is sponsored adn organized every year by Tucson Tango locals with the help steering and financing of The first weekend in March the annual Tucson Tango Festival is held every year in Tucson. In 2011 Tucson’s Mayor Bob Walkup officially proclaimed the first week to be “Tango Week in Tucson”.
Murat and Michelle Erdemsel perform and teach tango at the Tucson Tango Festival.