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This 4 week seriesNovember 6th –> December 4th
(skipping Thanksgiving Day)
7:00-8:30 pm
$80 Per Person – This will be gender balanced!
In the Milonguero Style will cover the following:
The Magic of Cambio Frente
The Famous Milonguero Dip – Or – Turning Cruzada
Shuffle Step Dance Timing
Mixing Left & Right Rock Turns in Cross System
Advancing Navigation
More than all of that we want to impose the logic of turning on your thinking brain, as your body is introduced to the feeling of a properly timed tight turning radius to both the left and the right.
We will precisely answer the following questions:
When and why do we turn like that?
How can we dance comfortably in a tight circle?
How can we control the degrees of turn?
What role do my feet with the embrace?
How do we know there is room for our feet as we turn?
And more….
In one way it is simply mechanical. Then again, in another way it is all about the feel of the connection. Then there is a precision we all strive for. Finally layered on all of that is simply timing all movements with the music. What? That really is not so much… come let us help make this simple!
Plan for some laughs, some ah-ha moments and some real and fantastic actual dance time!
The series will be at the Milonguita Studio
3305 N. Pebble Rapids Place
Sign up Quick this will sell out fast!